Online Product Sell and Buy App

The Booth app allows users to sell and buy products without opening shops. This app is filled with multi-products that you cannot find easily around your place. The app’s significant outcome is that the user can experience buying and selling action without hassle in terms of additional costs of products and closing the shop due to high rents. It is suitable for small and large entrepreneurs as well. The 3 apps are designed for three kinds of persons: customers, vendors, and drivers. This app applies to the shopping customers who want to buy something, vendors trying to buy something, and drivers who can earn something by delivering products.
Here customers can sell and buy products online.
At the vendor app, the vendor operates on customer orders like orders accept or reject.
The driver is requested by the vendor to deliver products to the customer’s doorstep the customers ordered.
Client Requirement
A client wanted to make an online market place in Saudi Arabia where people can purchase products without wasting time shopping. With the app, the user must look and buy the top choice of products in any area of Saudi Arabia and get an order delivered to their doorsteps. Another essential purpose of the client was to allow a small store to sell its products through this application and benefit from an online business. To fulfill this requirement client approached Hyperlink InfoSystem to build a Booth application for Android & iOS platforms. Hyperlink InfoSystem has developed three apps for customers, vendors, and drivers. An app allows a customer to purchase goods from any area’s vendors without facing any difficulties.
Booth – For Customer
- Users can sign up by filling the required details.
- Users can log in by mobile number or email.
Forgot Password
- Through email Id, users can generate a new password.
- Here, customers can update their profile.
Purchase Product
- Users can view area products by filtering options like area-wise, price-wise, most selling & saving products, product category (like electronics, Clothes, etc.), and purchase products added by vendors.
Become a Vendor
- If a customer wanted to become a vendor, then they need to download a vendor app.
My Order
- Users can see their past orders from order history.
Booth Vendor - For Vendors
- Vendors can sign up by filling the profile and Store details.
- Vendors can log in using mobile number or email.
Forgot Password
- Through email Id, vendors can generate a new password.
- Vendors can edit/profile and store details.
Sell Order
- Vendors can view order detail of each order and its status, like accepting an order and rejecting an order. Vendors send a request to drivers for particular product delivery.
My Products
- Vendors can add/edit and delete new products.
- Vendors can see all notifications, like cancel orders by customer or driver, reject any order, or complete delivery.
My Earning
- Vendors can view earning like Weekly, Monthly, Yearly.
- The vendor can change the app language, also view the app policy, Terms, and conditions, and contact us for more support.
Booth – For Drivers
- Users can sign up by filling the required details.
- Users can log in using mobile number or email.
Forgot Password
- Through email Id, users can generate a new password.
- Drivers can edit their profile details.
Delivery Request
- Drivers can view all deliveries’ requests sent by nearby Vendors, and after driver-operated further actions like accept, reject.
- Drivers can get all notifications, like cancel orders by customer/Vendor, new order by Vendors.
- Vendors can change app language, also view app policy & Terms and conditions, contact us for more support.
Booth Admin Panel Features
User Management
- Admin can get a listing of all register users from the app & website
- Edit and delete users' basic profile details
- Display users details
- Search/sort any registered users
- Active/Inactive user
- Export all registered users in excel file
Driver Management
- Add, edit and delete drivers' basic profile details
- Listing all registered drivers from the app and website
- Display driver details
- Search/sort any registered drivers
- Active/Inactive drivers
- Export all registered drivers in excel file

Vendor Management
- Edit and delete vendor basic profile detail
- Search/sort any registered vendors
- Active/Inactive any vendors
- Export all registered vendors in excel file
Product Management
- View, edit and delete product details
- Active/Inactive product
- Search by listed product details
Order Management
- Listing all the orders placed by customer
- View order details
- Search by listed product details
Categories Management
- Add main & sub-category
- Listing all the categories
- Edit categories
Promo code Management
- Add, edit and delete new promo code
- Listing all the promo codes
- Active/Inactive promo code
- Search/sort promo code
Location Management
- Admin can add location that customer can use while using the app
- Edit and delete location details
- Active/Inactive location details

Android OS Support:
Android 5.0 to Android 8.0
Java/Kotlin using Android Studio
iOS OS Support:
iOS 9.0 to 11.3 Swift
Swift using Xcode
Website & Admin Panel
Technology: PHP, Node.js Framework
Database: MySQL
API: REST API in JSON format