Despite the number of programming languages out there, with newer ones popping up as tech progresses, Java maintains its position as one of the leading technologies in programming. Java is one of the top choices for DevOps, AI development, Big Data, analytics, and basically everything you could need a programming language for.
Java has about
33% of the market share, and there are about 45 billion Java virtual machines in use - regardless of the size of the business or the scale of the project, Java developers are highly sought after because of how useful the language is.
What Is Java?
Java (not to be confused with JavaScript) is an object-oriented development language that transforms code into the binary machine code of 0s and 1s using an assembler. The JDK (Java Development Kit) was first released to the public in 1996 but has been evolving pretty much every year. At the time this article was written, the latest version was JDK 20.01, which was released in April 2023.
Java was designed to be similar to the C++ language, with overlapping syntax, to make it more intuitive and familiar to programmers when they started using it. Like C++, Java is also a multiplatform language, but the rules around execution are easier to learn.
With the rise of the internet in the mid-1990s, Java was very quickly accepted by the development community. Within five years of its release, Java had about 2.5 million users worldwide. Today, Java is used for everything - from enterprise software to Android OS.
Pros and Cons of Java Development
The reason for Java’s success is that it has a fair number of benefits that helps make programming easier for developers. But nothing comes without its flaws, and the same is true for Java. If you want to
hire Java developers, you should keep its pros and cons in mind.
Pros of Using Java Development
First, let’s take a look at the benefits of using Java for programming.
One of the biggest benefits of using Java is that it’s very simple to use and learn.
Java is very straightforward in terms of its syntax and rules, so it’s easy for new programmers to learn and memorize. Syntax, in programming, refers to the rules and structures that you need to follow to write code.
In Java, this syntax uses very few keywords, so it’s relatively easier to understand for someone who has no coding experience at all.
These words are also written in a high-level language (i.e., human language) and are, therefore, intuitive. For example, the word ‘if’ does what you think it does: it allows the program to be executed only if a certain condition is met.
Similarly, the keyword ‘while’ is used to repeat execution while a certain condition is met. Of course, the computer doesn’t understand high-level language, but the Java interpreter converts it into machine-level language, so the computer can understand.
Java syntax was also made to be similar to that of C++ and C but without complicated rules and structures. As a result, the language was easy to learn for everyone - developers who had experience and complete newbies.
Another benefit of Java’s syntax is that it doesn’t just become easy to learn, but it also becomes easy to read and maintain. This helps with writing, updating, and debugging Java applications.
Object-oriented programming is a paradigm based on the concept of objects (as the name suggests). Object-oriented programming makes it a lot easier to organize, reuse and read code because it groups any related pieces of code together (as ‘objects’).
To explain this further, programming languages use variables to tell the machine what to do. For example, if you want to add two numbers together, you’d have to define each number as a variable and then tell the machine to apply the addition function.
However, some variables are more complex and are defined by other variables. In that sense, the entire block of code used to define this complex variable can be bunched together as an ‘object’ so that the code can refer to the object itself. This way, it doesn’t have to go through the entire code repeatedly, and you don’t end up with thousands of lines of code for a simple program.
Java is an object-oriented language, which makes it a lot easier for Java developers to write code. Unlike C or
JavaScript, which are procedural languages, Java helps with writing code as well as maintaining it by breaking it into smaller chunks.
Another major benefit that Java has over other languages is its security. The main reason for this is the use of the
Java Virtual Machine (JVM), which is responsible for making sure all Java codes are run securely.
The JVM provides an abstraction layer between the code itself and the operating system. This way, malicious code can be detected and kept from running, thus keeping the system safe.
It also uses bytecode verification for security purposes. When Java code gets compiled, it is first translated to bytecode (that is, binary machine code). The JVM then verifies this bytecode to make sure that all security constraints are being followed and that the code is not trying to access any resources that it doesn’t have the authority to access.
Not only does this protect the system from malicious code, but it also keeps a check on who can access protected parts of the system.
The JVM also has a security manager as a built-in component that keeps a check of security policies at runtime. This means that it operates at the same time as the code itself, thus keeping it from doing anything it shouldn’t be doing.
Another security advantage Java has is the sandbox environment for running applications. This is a restricted environment that runs the application without giving it access to system resources or sensitive information.
Java follows the WORA principle - Write Once, Run Anywhere.
Because Java uses the JVM to operate, you only have to write the code once without worrying about whether it will work on another computer. Since different operating systems will naturally operate differently, programs written in platform-dependent languages will need to be rewritten so that they can work on different systems.
That’s why, when you download some programs, you find different options for Windows or Mac.
Java is different - Java will work on any platform because it doesn’t rely on the operating system itself. When you try to run Java code on a system, it first goes to the Java Virtual Machine as a bytecode and is then translated to machine code specific to the underlying operating system.
So, the JVM will translate the same code differently for Windows, Mac, Android, etc. As long as the system itself has a JVM installed, you can run the same Java code on any machine without needing to modify or recompile it.
It Has Automatic Garbage Collection
Another benefit of Java is that it automatically manages the memory problem without you having to do anything.
Sometimes, when writing a program, you may end up with variables that don’t need to be used or objects that are taking up memory for no reason. In other languages, like C or C++, you had to manually remove these and free up space through the program to make room for other code.
With Java, the JVM comes with an automatic garbage collector that removes unnecessary code and variables. This way, your memory is freed up on its own, and you don’t have to worry about clearing it out yourself.
Java also allows multithreading, which is an excellent feature when it comes to the efficiency of the code. Think of it as multitasking but for a computer.
A thread is the smallest unit of a process, and Java allows the computer to run multiple threads at the same time while using the same resources. The threads use a common memory but run independently, which allows multiple parts of the code to run at the same time while maximizing CPU utilization.
This doesn’t just increase efficiency. It also results in better responsiveness, resource utilization, and performance.
Java is also a very stable language. Since it’s very commonly used, it also receives regular updates to remove bugs and get rid of any problems that could pop up while writing and executing code. Other languages that are not quite as widely used and may not have the same level of speed and attention paid to the stability of the language.
In any case, this is also a major benefit for developers since they can be sure their applications will be executed correctly.
It’s a Distributed Language
Distributed computing is a term used for when multiple computers perform the same task by working together over a network.
The JVM allows the different Java objects running on different JVMS to communicate through the network. This means that for a program requiring heavy computational power, a possible solution is to break it up into chunks and run them on different machines.
The use of different APIs also means that developers can create distributed applications - applications in several parts - each of which contribute towards one main task.
It Has Efficient Memory Allocation
Java also has a very efficient memory management system. For one thing, the garbage collector makes sure that any unused items in the memory are removed after some time, clearing up space for newer items.
Java also divides memory into two parts: heap allocation and stack allocation.
Heap allocation is where Java stores objects, and this is where the garbage collector works. When objects are created, they are given memory on the heap, and when they are no longer needed, the memory space is deallocated.
Stack allocation is usually for primitive data types or for method calls since it uses a pointer adjustment to find objects in memory. This is unlike heap, where you have to go through each available block before you find the object you’re looking for.
Stack allocation follows a last-in-first-out system, which makes it so that older objects stored on the stack get ‘popped’ off once they are no longer needed.
Cons of Using Java Development
There are two sides to each coin. You can Hire Java developers for your next development requirements but there are some of the cons that you should keep in mind before moving forward.
A major downside of using Java is that it consumes more memory than other languages like C or C++. On top of that, since Java requires the interpreter to first convert the high-level language into machine-level language, it is also slower than other programming languages.
On top of that, the JVM is also often performing various functions at the backend, which causes the program to run slower since the total memory it can use is reduced.
For example, the automatic garbage collector is running continuously to make sure any unused objects stored in memory can be removed. While this is great, it does mean that the garbage collector is using up resources that could be used to run the code instead. As a result, Java is a bit slower than other languages.
It’s Not Good for Lightweight Apps
Java is designed to give developers a flexible and powerful environment to build complicated apps. This usually needs a lot of runtime support and the use of many heavy libraries that make designing complex apps easier.
However, this becomes a problem when the app you’re trying to make isn’t all that heavy or complicated. For lightweight apps, Java isn’t the best since you’d be tossing in all these heavy features that are taking up space and resources when you don’t need them.
That said, you can still use Java for lightweight apps, but you’d need to remove the components and libraries you don’t need. In many cases, it’s much more practical to simply use a different language instead.
It’s Not Great for Low-level Programming
When it comes to low-level programming, where the developer needs direct access to system resources, Java is not the best option.
This is largely because Java’s environment is very heavily managed, and it uses abstraction for memory allotment. This means that the programmer has very little control over how they use the memory, which can become more challenging when it comes to kernel-level programming.
On top of that, the garbage collector also works on its own schedule, which can cause problems.
Similarly, the JVM abstracts the details of the underlying system from the developer and provides a uniform user interface. This is great for regular programming since it makes the work easier and the code portable, but it also means that the developer can’t access system resources directly.
As a result, low-level programming becomes very difficult when using Java. In comparison, other languages like C can do a better job on this front.
It Comes With Some Security Risks
Though Java on its own is a very secure language, it doesn’t do much to hold its own against attackers who know how it works.
Java is a very popular language used for a large number of applications and programs around the world - including enterprise environments and other business-related systems. Unfortunately, that means that attackers can use the vulnerabilities in Java to gain access to these programs and systems.
This can create some serious security risks since any sensitive data held on those systems can be stolen and used for malicious acts.
On top of that, Java is used for a large number of environments in many different ways, so it’s very difficult for developers to predict all the ways the code can be exploited.
Though the development community does follow some best practices, like using encryption and validation, it doesn’t necessarily remove all the risks.
As such, some people choose to use other languages when writing programs that deal with more sensitive data. Others may choose to rely on Java’s in-built security features, their best practices, and access controls to mitigate these risks and keep their data and programs safe.
Another disadvantage to hiring Java Developers pops up when it comes to using Graphical User Interface (GUI). Java has a very poor GUI builder, and in many cases, complex interfaces are almost impossible to build.
Though there are many frameworks used to create GUI, they are not developed enough and only offer very basic features. Unlike modern languages like
Python, C#, and R, Java is not the best at creating a front, but it works great for the backend.
It Doesn’t Have A Backup Facility
Another issue is that Java doesn’t come with a backup facility but is more focused on data storage. This is not necessarily a disadvantage of the language itself since many programming languages don’t focus on the backup as an inherent feature.
However, when using the language to build an app, developers do need to put in some extra effort in developing and using a backup technique that works for their app. This could be anything from cloud-based backup to file copying.
Regardless, it does become something of an inconvenience for Java developers to have to design backup functions when working with Java.
Java is definitely easier to learn since it uses high-level language for the actual coding process. Still, some of the more complex functions need more complex Java code than you would need for other languages.
Some aspects of the code itself are also not as intuitive or easily understood as other parts. For example, when defining classes and variables, you have to specify whether it’s private or public, static or not, void or not, etc.
These specifications obviously serve their purpose and are used for security, access, and modification purposes, but they can become difficult and complex to remember.
Some codes that can be done in one line in other languages also require multiple lines in Java, which can easily become tiresome and tedious.
A major downside of Java for developers is that it comes with a paid commercial license as of 2019. Before this, Java used to be free software, which would allow anyone to use Java and enter the world of development.
However, a paid license means that programmers will have to pay to get updates and use them as effectively as possible.
Java is still free for general purposes, so many beginner developers can still use it to learn how to code and hone their skills. However, to make anything substantial with Java, you’d need to open up your wallet, which isn’t always feasible for everyone.
Even with all the cons if you hire Java developers from a
top web development company, it can help you get the best in the class web application. This is one of the reasons why there is high demand for Java developers.
Demand for Java Developers in 2024

Demand for Java developers was quite high when the language was first released to the public and has remained so even after all these years. Besides just the benefits of Java we discussed earlier, there are plenty of reasons why businesses hire Java developers for their next development requirements.
As of 2022, about 90% of Fortune 500 companies were using Java as a language for their backend development. Because Java is used in a wide variety of industries - from finance to healthcare and e-commerce, there’s no surprise that many companies are looking to hire Java developers who can get the work done for them.
Even now, in 2024, Java remains the language used for most Android apps, and that’s one of the reasons many Java developers are so necessary. Despite everything we hear about Apple’s successes, Android phones currently have the largest share of the market in terms of OS, with a
whopping 71.75% of the world’s smartphone users having an Android.
Obviously, in order to avoid alienating such a large chunk of their audience, businesses need to have an Android app. Even though Java uses JDK and Android uses the Android Software Development Kit (SDK), the code is written in Java. As such, global companies hire Java developers to hire Android applications as well.
Starting from a simple enterprise solution to entire Metaverse-based solutions various solutions are supported by Java programming languages. These products include Eclipse, which is a popular integrated development environment (IDE) used mainly for Java development. The IDE itself is also written in Java. Apart from all this, you can Hire Java Developers to create gaming solutions as well. To set it out as an example one of the popular video gaming solutions Minecraft is based on Java development.
There is no secret that Java has secure architecture is one of the things that Java is most among the various industries. Taking advantage of this amazing functionality various finance institutes are reaching out to the top Java development company to build amazing Fintech solutions enriched with tons of features and functionalities.
Because Java is one of the most popular and secure languages out there, it makes sense that most banking systems would want to use it for their programs. Java is used for server and client-side applications and to build simple and fast websites. Some major finance programs written in Java include Bloomberg Terminal, OpenGamma, and Murex.
With everything going online and the finance industry being heavily digitalized to make transactions easier to carry out and keep track of, businesses can hire dedicated Java developers to develop fintech solutions.
Hadoop is a major distributed computing framework that is used for storing and processing large datasets. To help global companies to take sort and filter the data as much as they can to make informed decision Java development companies are reaching out to hire dedicated Java Developers that can develop an deliver big data and data analytics-based solutions. Various methods like Hadoop’s distributed computing are necessary for dealing with such large volumes of different types of data, and Hadoop is written in Java. As such, as the need for Big Data programs increases, so does the demand for Java developers who can create these programs. Other Big Data programs built in Java include
Scala, Kafka, and Apache Spark.
Java is also frequently used to write code for point of sale (POS) systems. These are important because they’re used for a large number of business operations - from managing sales and inventory to processing payments. The cross-platform compatibility of Java development enhances the offering of the PoS systems. Hire Java developers to build and develop the PoS system to have a system that works regardless of the platform making it easy for businesses to deploy the software on any computer, regardless of the system it runs on.
Various systems such as Square, Lightspeed, NCR Aloha, and more are based on Java development. The need for POS systems isn’t going to go down anytime soon - rather, it is constantly increasing - so you can hire Java developers to program these specifically for businesses, as well as maintain them, keeps increasing as well.
Enterprise Software Development
Java is also frequently used for developing enterprise systems. These are large-scale applications made to automate complex business processes and manage them. Enterprise systems are used by basically every major corporation because they can help improve operational efficiency, improve customer engagement, gain insights, etc.
There are a fair number of benefits of using enterprise software, so it would make sense that businesses want to cash in on them. As such, businesses hire Java developers not just to create the systems but also to maintain them, fix errors that pop up, and provide updates.
With all sorts of new projects popping up in the world of tech - from Big Data to the Metaverse and blockchain development - the demand for Java developers is higher than ever.
In 2021, the
StackOverflow report showed that Java is still at the top in terms of programming languages, even a good 25 years after its release - for the ninth time in a row. As of yet, there’s been no indication that this trend will be changing anytime soon.
Roles And Responsibilities Of Java Developers
Though on the surface, it seems like developers are only involved in the creation of apps, this is untrue. Developers - of any language, and not just Java - are responsible for a range of activities, which is why the demand for them extends so far. But there are roles and responsibilities that you can get once you Hire dedicated Java developers.
Here are some of the roles and responsibilities of Java app developers.
Understanding Requirements & Creating Blueprints
Writing code isn’t something developers do blindly. To know what code to write, you need to first understand the requirements of the business or client thoroughly so you know what the program is expected to do.
This means the dedicated Java developers will have to work with business stakeholders and clients to come up with a basic blueprint of the app to see if it meets the requirements. Keep in mind when you hire dedicated Java developers aren’t responsible for the graphical design, but having an image does help them understand what is required.
From here, Java developers will create a UML diagram that illustrates exactly how different components of the application are linked and what they will do. Once all of this is finalized, the developers move on to the next step.
Writing High-Quality Code
The most obvious task dedicated Java developers are responsible for is writing the actual code. This is their primary responsibility: writing code that is high-quality, efficient, scalable, and reliable.
This often involves the use of various frameworks, libraries, and APIs to write the code in a way that meets the requirements of the project they are working on.
With the UML and the graphical design of the application on hand, it becomes easier to write the code in a way that satisfies the requirements of the project they have been assigned to.
Testing Code
Once done with the code, the job isn’t quite done yet. Any code that gets written also needs to be tested to make sure it’s functioning properly. If a program has errors or bugs, then it will not work. Testing is an extremely important part of app development.
Debugging & Troubleshooting
It is very rare for a program to work perfectly in the first go. Because there are so many components of any application, and so many links between these components, making an application is not an easy job.
In many cases, even when the program does work, it may fail to do so the next time. Before implementation, the app itself has to be absolutely perfect, and developers will have to do a lot of debugging and troubleshooting to identify and fix any errors in the code.
Without this, the program will fail to work.
Implementation of Applications
Once the code has been written, tested, debugged, and completed, the app also needs to be deployed and implemented. This means that it needs to be in an executable format if it’s a local application or uploaded to a web server if it is meant to work online. Hire Dedicated Java developers who can help you implement and deploy the mobile application they create.
Maintenance & Support
Not all apps will work the same way throughout their life. Changes and updates to the operating system they work on can affect the way the app itself works as well, and this requires regular maintenance and support to make sure it continues working without errors.
Dedicated developers can be responsible for maintenance tasks, but this depends greatly on the specific arrangements and agreements made with the client or company. Maintenance typically involves ensuring the ongoing functionality, stability, and security of a software application or system after its initial development and deployment.
The extent of maintenance responsibilities can vary and may include:
Bug Fixes: Hire dedicated Java developers who are responsible for identifying and fixing any bugs or issues that arise in the software during its operational phase.
Performance Optimization: They may optimize the application's performance by identifying and addressing bottlenecks, improving code efficiency, and implementing necessary optimizations.
Security Updates: Dedicated developers may handle security updates and patches to address vulnerabilities and protect the application from potential threats.
Compatibility Updates: As new operating systems, web browsers, or third-party libraries emerge, dedicated developers may be responsible for updating the application to ensure compatibility and seamless operation.
Database Maintenance: They may handle database management tasks such as data backups, performance tuning, and database schema updates.
Feature Enhancements: Depending on the maintenance agreement, dedicated developers may implement new features or functionality based on client requirements or evolving business needs.
Every software solution starting from the simple mobile application to the most complex software solutions needs support from
different third-party APIs and various other integration to perform many different processes, all of which may be best performed on different applications.
It can become very tedious to have separate apps for every different thing and even more tedious to manage all of them - particularly since they will all come with their own licenses. Java developers are also responsible for integrating different applications into one system so that they can work efficiently and seamlessly.
Another very important task that Java developers are in charge of is documenting the code that they write. Once they are done with the app, the contract with the company ends, and their role in the project is over.
The code for the app, however, may require work at a later point, or the company may choose to hire another developer to work on it. Sometimes, you also need to access code for an app to work on integration with other systems.
If the software is being distributed to other people, then they couldn’t possibly know what the code is doing unless they have a guideline from the original developer.
Documentation is important for developers to explain the code to other developers who may work on the projects in the future or any developers who may want to make the changes for themselves.
Documentation is also required for compliance with regulations and industry standards. The documentation should be easily accessible and easy to understand for its intended audience. This means that documentation intended for other developers will likely be very different from documentation meant for a layman, and developers need to keep this in mind.
Database Management
This means that Java developers would know how to implement database schemas, write queries using whichever querying language they have used (most commonly SQL) and manage the data within the database.
They’d be responsible for making sure that the schema for the database is effective and efficient in storing data and that retrieving it is just as efficient. When you have large amounts of data in a database, it can take time to retrieve it, but the database should be designed in a way that minimizes the time this takes.
This will usually involve the use of database management tools like MySQL or MongoDB.
Providing Technical Support
Along with all these, dedicated Java developers are also responsible for providing technical support for the apps they create. This is important since, as developers, they are the only ones who can make sure that the users are able to use the application properly and that any problems are addressed quickly.
How long the developers continue providing technical support will depend on the contract with the company or client they are working with. Technical support will usually involve responding to support requests and working with users to make sure that the software is easy to use and free of errors.
This is also important because getting user feedback is crucial for helping developers understand what aspects of the application can be fixed in updates and any new features that can be added.
It’s also important because having support means that users are satisfied with what they have, which can be an extremely important aspect when the product itself is the application.
Code Reviews
Hire dedicated Java developers who can help you review the codes. This usually involves one or more developers going over the code written by other developers. Code review is an important aspect of development since it’s meant to look at the quality and consistency of the code.
Because dedicated developers work on only one project at a time and spend a long time on it, it can become difficult to spot minor inconsistencies and efficiencies. Even if the code itself is working fine, it isn’t necessarily optimized in terms of the resources it uses.
For example, some code can be simplified so it requires the execution of fewer lines, while other code may be optimized to use less computing power.
Code reviews are meant to detect these aspects of the code so that improvements can be suggested and the quality can be improved. Java developers will usually participate in code reviews with the rest of the development team to make sure that they write high-quality and efficient code that doesn’t adhere to the requirements of the organization but also the regulations in place.
Code reviews aren’t just useful in terms of figuring out room for improvement but are also a great way for developers to learn from each other, figure out new ways to solve problems, and adopt new techniques that can help them create amazing solutions in the future.
Where to Hire Java Experts?
With all the benefits of using Java for your apps and the work Java developers do, it’s unsurprising that you’d want to hire Java developers who can help you with your
app development.
Here are some of the places you can hire dedicated Java developers.
Freelance Platforms
Freelance platforms can connect businesses and individuals looking to hire professionals in any field - including developers. When looking for dedicated developers, freelance platforms are usually a great option, but it also means that you’d have to find multiple people if you’re looking to create a development team.
One benefit of using freelance platforms is that you can access a very large pool of qualified professionals from all over the world. This means that you are no longer limited by your geography, especially since there may be more skilled workers in other countries who can offer much more competitive rates.
Another benefit of using freelance platforms is the ability to quickly and easily review the profiles, work history, and feedback of potential candidates. This information can help you to make an informed decision about which Java expert to hire based on their skills, experience, and reputation.
Most freelancers also have client reviews for projects they have worked on before. This can help you sort through to find experts who have worked on similar projects before.
Freelance platforms will usually also offer you tools to make communication easier, like messaging, project management, and video conferencing. These help you keep track of the project and make sure it’s carried out properly.
There are many freelance platforms available that specialize in connecting clients with Java experts. Some of the more popular platforms include Turing for developers and Upwork or Fiverr for other skills. Each platform has its own unique features, fees, and policies, so it is important to research and compare several options before making a decision. One of the things that businesses should keep in mind is finding the most particular experts as freelancers cannot be the wisest advice if you want your project to be successful.
Dedicated Resources
Dedicated resources are great options for providing client companies with the resources they need to fill their project requirements. They are a particularly popular approach for organizations that need to hire qualified professionals on a temporary or project-based basis. This makes them great for hiring dedicated developers.
When it comes to hiring Java developers, dedicated resources can be a valuable resource. Here are some ways dedicated resources can help you find Java professionals for hire:
Access To Top-Notch Expertise
Dedicated resources hold the expertise to develop Java applications for various industries. This means that once you tell them your requirements based on your project, they can help you hire Java experts who can do what you need them to. With a larger pool of candidates, your chances of finding the right talent go up.
Hire dedicated Java developers thoroughly top development companies to make sure they have the necessary skills and experience needed for you to hire them, especially if they are being hired for a specific project. This means you can be confident that the candidates you receive from the company are qualified for the job.
Dedicated developers can provide you with candidates very quickly, often within a few days. This is especially helpful if you have an urgent project that needs to be completed. It would take you a much longer time to go on that search on your own.
Various web development companies offer flexible hiring options, which means you can hire dedicated Java developers for your project without having to worry about hiring them full-time.
Dedicated developers provide ongoing support to ensure that the Java developers you hire are meeting your expectations and that your project is progressing smoothly.
Development Companies
Development companies, as the name suggests, provide
software development services to the global businesses. Specializing in this field means they often have a team of experienced Java developers who are experts in the language and can work on a wide range of Java projects.
If you are looking to hire Java developers for a specific project, working with a Java development company can be a great option. Because they operate in the industry, they have a strong understanding of the ecosystem and can help you find the right person to work for you on your project. Java development companies offer a number of benefits that you wouldn’t find elsewhere.
Access To A Pool Of Talent
Java development companies often have a pool of talented Java developers starting from senior developers to junior ones who can be quickly deployed to work on your project. This means you can find the right talent without having to spend time and resources on recruitment.
These top web development companies will likely have extensive experience working with Java, on different kinds of projects, because of all the time they’ve spent working in this field. They can provide you with technical guidance and support where needed and help you find the right Java developers who have the technical expertise needed to work on your project.
Java development companies can also help you manage your project. They can provide project managers who have experience working with different Java projects, particularly those similar to yours. These project managers can help you ensure that your project is completed on time and within budget.
Java development companies can provide you with the flexibility to scale up or down your team as needed. This means you can easily Java development team based on your project requirements change.
Working with a Java development company can be a cost-effective way to find and hire Java developers. These Java development companies often have a competitive pricing structure, and you can save money by not investing to hire a full-time employee.
How to Hire the Right Java Development Company for Your Project’s Success
Hiring a Java development company is probably the best solution you have when it comes to
hiring Java developers for your Java project. But to make sure your project is carried out efficiently, securely, and with good quality, there are some steps to take.
Define Your Project Requirements
Defining your project requirements is the first and most crucial step when hiring a Java development company. Before you even start searching for developers, you need to know what you want your app to do. This involves having a very clear outline of your project. To define your project requirements, you should consider the following:
What is the objective of your project, and what do you want to accomplish with it? Be very clear about your project goals, timelines, and budget.
Keep in mind the technical requirements for your project. What will you need? You need to consider things like programming languages, frameworks, libraries, and tools.
Features & Functionalities
What features and functionalities do you want your project to have? Make a list of all the essential features that your project should have.
What kind of user experience do you want to provide to your end users? Design your user interface and user experience requirements.
Will your project require any third-party integrations? If so, you should clearly define which integrations are needed and how they will be integrated.
What are your project’s security and scalability requirements? Define your security protocols and scalability measures.
What is your budget and timeline for the project? Clearly define your budget and timeline constraints.
Analyze the Business Needs
After looking at the project requirements, take a look at your business needs. This step involves identifying and understanding the business needs that the Java application is meant to address.
Is your project in line with your business’s requirements and objectives? It’s important to keep this in mind since it will help you pick the right development company that can give you the results you want.
Identify the specific business problems or challenges that the Java application is expected to solve. This may include improving business processes, increasing productivity, reducing costs, or enhancing customer experience.
You also need to define the functional and non-functional requirements for the application. Functional requirements describe what the application should do, while non-functional requirements describe how well the application should perform, such as response time, scalability, and security.
You should also identify the target audience and their specific requirements. This helps in developing an application that meets the needs of the end-users. You need to identify the user requirements, such as ease of use, accessibility, and availability, and communicate these requirements to the
Java development company.
Research and Shortlist Companies
Once you’ve defined your project requirements and assessed them in terms of your business’s needs, you can start looking for Java development companies.
Ideally, you’d look for companies that have experience in developing Java applications, have a proven track record of delivering high-quality work, and have worked on similar projects in the past.
Shortlist any companies that meet your criteria and start evaluating them based on their experience, expertise, and past projects.
Check Company Reputation and Reviews
Always make sure to check the reputation of the Java development companies you have shortlisted by looking at their reviews and testimonials.
You can also check their social media profiles, online forums, and industry blogs to see what people are saying about them. This will give you an idea of their customer service, communication, and work quality.
Since software development will usually involve providing the developer with some amount of data, there can be some major security concerns if it falls into the wrong hands. Always check for reputation before you opt to hire someone.
Evaluate Technical Skills and Expertise
Obviously, it’s important to look at a company’s technical skills and expertise. Check if they have a team of experienced Java developers who have worked on similar projects in the past.
Companies that have experience in developing enterprise-level applications, for example, will have a strong understanding of Java frameworks and libraries and how they are used for enterprise applications. They will have a deep knowledge of software development best practices, which makes them a great fit if you’re looking to develop enterprise-level applications.
On the other hand, if you’re looking for something else, like a game or a
social media app, you’d have to find someone with experience with these things.
Make sure to evaluate the expertise the developer has with different types of apps. Not all developers have the same level of experience as others.
Check Communication and Collaboration Skills
Communication and collaboration are key to the success of any software development project. Look for a Java development company that has good communication and collaboration skills and can work with your team seamlessly.
Check how they communicate with clients, how they handle feedback and change requests, and how they handle project management.
Evaluate the Company’s Infrastructure & Development Processes
Check if the Java development company has a robust infrastructure and development processes in place. This includes tools and technologies, security measures, testing methodologies, and project management practices.
You should be looking for companies that use the latest development tools and technologies, have a strong focus on security, use agile development methodologies, and have a well-defined project management process.
Check Pricing and Contract Terms
Check the pricing and contract terms of the Java development company you are considering. Look for a company that offers transparent pricing and flexible contract terms. Make sure the company can deliver your project within your budget and timeline and that there are no hidden costs or surprises.
Cost of Hiring Java Developers Based on Country
Many business decisions eventually come down to the cost. When it comes to software development, which is highly remote-friendly work, it’s very easy to expand outside the local circle. Hiring outside of the local markets can actually be very cost-effective and save you large amounts of money per year.
Here are the average costs of hiring Java developers in different countries to give you an idea of how much you can save by hiring from other countries.
Country |
Entry-level Salary |
Intermediate-level Salary |
Expert-level Salary |
$80,657 |
$100,305 |
$144,053 |
UK |
$47,370 |
$59,680 |
$67,340 |
Germany |
$54,719 |
$63,970 |
$68,510 |
India |
$4,623 |
$6,119 |
$12,165 |
Canada |
$50,980 |
$59,810 |
$62,370 |
Cost of Java Development Based on Type of App
The type of app you’re looking to develop can also significantly affect the total cost of the app itself. Depending on the complexity of the app, the price can change. However, there are some factors that affect the cost of the app, and depending on the presence or absence of these factors, the price can fluctuate a lot.
Type of App
The type of app can be a major contributor to how much the app costs you. For example, e-commerce apps, gaming apps, Fintech apps, etc. The more features you require in your app, the higher the cost. Fintech apps will likely involve a lot of security features, so it’s reasonable to assume they’ll cost a lot more than e-commerce apps.
App Platform
The application type and platform will also affect the cost. Native mobile apps, for example, will be more costly than web apps, which are basically a website for smartphone users.
If your app requires integration features with third parties, the cost of your app will go up.
Use of Different Technologies
Some apps require different technologies to function. Integration and use of these technologies can cause the cost to go up. For example, using GPS navigation or motion sensors can push up your total costs.
The Complexity of the App
The complexity of the Java application will also undoubtedly affect the cost. Simple apps, for example, can cost anywhere from $30,000 to $50,000. Apps of average complexity can cost you up to $100,000, while more complex apps can start at $150,000 and go as high as the complexity takes it.
Hosting the App
Where you host your app’s data will also change its cost. For example, many developers use cloud services like Google, AWS, or Microsoft Azure, and this can cost anywhere from $50 to $350 per month.
Here are some examples of app costs depending on complexity.
Country |
Simple App |
Average Complexity |
Complex |
$20K-$45K |
$51K-$90K |
$90K+ |
UK |
$25K-$50K |
$35K-$80K |
$90K+ |
India |
$5K-$12K |
$12.5K-$25K |
$20K+ |
Canada |
$35K-$80K |
$90K-$150K |
$150K+ |
Ukraine |
$15K-$30K |
$30K-50K |
$52K+ |
Australia |
$35K-$80K |
$90K-$160K |
$150K+ |
Why Hire Java Developers From Hyperlink InfoSystem?

If you’re looking to hire Java developers, there are plenty of companies and freelancers out there you can work with. But there are various reasons to choose Hyperlink InfoSystem which can offer much more than just a simple Java solution.
Our highly skilled Java developers are equipped to handle even the most complex of issues, always ready and willing to provide assistance. Whether faced with small or large problems, our Java developers take the time to carefully analyze the issue, fully understanding the client's requirements before implementing a solution.
Our Java developers have an in-depth knowledge of Java and its many intricacies and can quickly and effectively respond to any queries or concerns raised by clients. We understand that time is of the essence, and our developers work tirelessly to ensure that all projects are completed within the given timeframe.
Our team is dedicated to providing the best possible service to our clients, and we take great pride in our work. Our priority is to deliver the highest quality work and exceed client expectations with every project.
Latest Technology Development
Our Java developers are always on top of the latest tech,
web development tools, trends, and more. The team of Hyperlink InfoSystem has been always well-experienced and has served various businesses from all sorts of industries.
With our proficient experience, we have the unique and prominent perspective regarding how to go about your project that you need to make it a success.
Our Java developers have kept themselves on track with all the latest Java development solutions and services.
Skilled Java Professionals
Hyperlink InfoSystem is home to a team of highly skilled and experienced Java developers who are well-recognized in the industry. Our extensive experience working with clients worldwide has given us a unique perspective and valuable exposure to different business requirements and needs.
Our Java developers are not only proficient in their technical skills but also have excellent communication skills to interact with clients and explain the development process, models, frameworks, and other details in a friendly manner.
At Hyperlink InfoSystem, we believe in learning and adapting to new technologies constantly, frameworks, and trends in the industry to stay ahead of the competition. We ensure that we implement the latest technologies and best practices in our projects to deliver optimal outcomes and exceed client expectations.
Our priority is always to ensure that our client's projects are completed on time and within budget while also meeting their specific requirements.
Hire Java developers from Hyperlink InfoSystem who are proficient in Java development and possess extensive experience in handling multiple projects. The diverse domains we have worked with have distinct requirements, and our Java developers have the ability to comprehend and adapt to them.
They are skilled in working with both traditional and new technologies, and they are quick to identify their value and implement them accordingly.
At Hyperlink InfoSystem, quality is never something that can be compromised, and we always strive to deliver the most suitable outcome for our clients. Our Java developers specialize in providing agile development, ensuring the project meets the client's requirements and expectations.
We follow a rigorous process of testing and quality assurance to guarantee that the project is bug-free and that the client does not face any further complications. Our Java developers work tirelessly to ensure that deployment is swift and delivered on time without compromising on quality. We leverage information and data to provide the most trustworthy project to our clients.
At Hyperlink InfoSystem, we highly value our clients and respect their unique ideas and concepts. Our goal is to minimize risk in the project when developing Java applications, web applications, software solutions, or any other. We ensure that the risk management process is less by providing a quality and seamless experience.
Our team of dedicated Java developers prepares smart strategies and efficiently works on them to provide our clients with the best possible outcome. We understand that our clients rely on us to deliver exceptional results, which is why our Java developers are reliable and scalable in the project.
We aim to exceed our client's expectations and provide them with the highest level of satisfaction possible.
Java is an incredible language for development. It has everything from versatility, security, and ease that makes it so popular in the market. But to make use of the language and its benefits, you need to hire a developer who can help you leverage them.
It is important to consider a few factors when hiring Java developers: from technical skills and experience to communication and cultural fit.
Demand for Java developers is growing. You can use different avenues to find the right candidates. These avenues include job portals, staffing companies, referrals, university career fairs, and Java development companies.
Taking the time to define project requirements and analyzing business needs can ensure that you find a team that is capable of delivering quality work, providing technical support, and ensuring the success of your project.
With the right Java development team, you can build robust, scalable, and innovative applications that meet your business needs and exceed your expectations.
1) What Are The Benefits of Hiring a Dedicated Java Developer Over A Full-Time Candidate?
Some benefits of hiring a dedicated Java developer include the following:
Focused Expertise: Dedicated developers don’t just have in-depth knowledge of their industry. They are also more likely to have more experience with the kind of project you want than full-time candidates who may be working on a variety of other things as well. This makes sure that the program you want to develop is high-quality and efficient.
Time and Cost Savings: By hiring a dedicated developer, you reduce the amount of time spent on recruitment and save the costs of hiring a full-time employee.
Flexibility and Scalability: With dedicated developers, you have the flexibility to scale the development team up or down based on project needs without the hassle of hiring or terminating employees.
Dedicated Attention: Dedicated developers focus exclusively on your project, ensuring better understanding, faster delivery, and effective communication.
2) What Qualifications Should a Java Developer Have?
Besides just proficiency in Java, a Java developer should have the following skills:
Knowledge of software development principles and best practices
Understanding of object-oriented programming concepts
Familiarity with regulations around coding and programming
Familiarity with database technologies and SQL
Experience with web application development using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Knowledge of software testing and debugging techniques
Familiarity with version control systems like Git
Experience with Agile development methodologies
Strong problem-solving and analytical skills
Good communication and collaboration skills
Ability to learn and adapt to new technologies and frameworks quickly
Understanding of cloud computing concepts and services, such as AWS or Azure
3) How Can I Ensure That My Investment in a Java Developer Will Provide a Positive Return?
To make sure that your investment in a Java developer will give you positive returns, you should start by defining your project requirements clearly and thoroughly.
This will help you to find the right developer who has the necessary skills and experience for your project. Establish a clear communication plan and set realistic deadlines and expectations for the project. It's important to regularly review the progress of the project and provide feedback to the developer.
You should also keep an eye on the project so you can be sure that the developer is using best practices and following industry standards to ensure that the code is scalable, maintainable, and secure.
Most importantly, always make sure to retain ownership of the code and any intellectual property rights and establish a maintenance plan for ongoing support and updates.
To get the most out of your development project, you should work closely with your developer to make sure they know what you want from them, so they can fulfill your needs accordingly.
4) How Long Does It Take To Hire A Dedicated Java Developer?
The amount of time it takes depends greatly on several things. From where you’re looking to the project you’re hiring for, there are plenty of factors that come into play. In general, hiring a dedicated developer will not take as much time as hiring a full-time developer does, but the hunt may last for a while.
Generally, finding the right Java developer for your project won’t take very long since there are quite a lot of Java developers out there. This is especially true if you turn to a Java development company like Hyperlink InfoSystems.
5) What Professions Use Java?
Java is a widely-used programming language, and it is used in a variety of industries and professions. Some of the professions that use Java include:
Software Developers: Java is one of the most popular programming languages for building software applications, so many software developers use it in their work.
Web Developers: Java is also commonly used for building web applications, so many web developers use it in their work.
Mobile App Developers: Java is used for developing Android applications, so mobile app developers who work with the Android platform use Java.
Game developers: Java is used for building games, and many game developers use it in their work.
Financial Analysts: Java is used for building financial applications and trading platforms, so financial analysts who work with these tools often use Java.
System Administrators: Java is used for building and managing enterprise-level systems, so system administrators who work with these systems often use Java.
Data Scientists: Java is used for building data processing applications and algorithms, so data scientists who work with large data sets often use Java.
Robotics Engineers: Java is used for building software for robotics, so robotics engineers who work with software often use Java.
6) Is Java Better Than Other Programming Languages?
There are plenty of advantages Java has over other programming languages, but it is important to remember that all languages serve their purpose. While Java may be better for some applications than other languages, it is not necessarily inherently better. There may be other applications where the use of other languages would be more suitable.
Still, Java does come with a fairly large number of benefits that makes it more useful in app development. Many developers choose to work with Java because of these benefits.
7) Is Java Expensive?
Java itself is not expensive. It is an open-source programming language, which means that it is free to use, distribute, and modify. The Java language and its standard libraries are freely available to download and use, and there is no cost associated with using them.
However, there are some costs associated with developing Java applications. For example, you may need to purchase development tools such as Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) like IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse, which are not free. Additionally, if you are using third-party libraries or frameworks, there may be licensing fees associated with them.
Another cost associated with Java is related to its memory usage and performance. Java is known to consume a lot of memory, and in some cases, it may require additional resources such as CPU and RAM. This can lead to higher hardware costs for running Java applications compared to applications written in other programming languages.
8) How Does Your Company Work?
Hyperlink InfoSystem works with you to understand what you’re looking for and what you need to achieve your goals. From here, we will help you figure out what you need to do and how we can help you out in reaching your target.
We have a collaborative approach where we start with a consultation. Here, we discuss the project, your goals, your budget, and any other factors that may affect how we carry it out. Then we can give you an estimate of the total cost and the timeframe. Once we have a solid plan on hand, we’ll begin building your app!
9) What Kind of Support Can I Expect From Your Team?
Our team of Java developers can be there for you starting from development to the deployment of the solution. Our team of developers, designers, QA testers, and more can help you to be the industry leader by offering the expertise and experience we hold.